A mass-communication post graduate and a research based journalist, writer and a keen traveler, I started my professional journey from The Times of India Group.
Personally, I like travelling to exciting destinations and empirically exploring cultural anthropologies sans geographical limitations.
This blog is in fact a fusion of my journalistic background, my writer skills and love for travelling to share real time road travel experiences whether in India or abroad. Travelling, and especially by road excites me more than those mostly monotonous air and rail journeys. As ‘Disha’ literally means ‘direction’, I would love to take you to some real soulful long road journeys to all possible directions through this blog.
My regular contributions in Swagat & Namaskar magazines have inspired me to bring all my travel dotes on this blog.
Currently I’m also working on my Book in collaboration with French painter/writer on History of Bhopal.
Welcome to The Road Diaries. Hope you’ll love to visit this place often to share soulful sojourns with me!